Parish Staff
St. John's Parish Staff are here to help you with your administrative and pastoral needs. Please feel free to call us at (301) 373-2281, email us at, or stop by if you:
- would like to register with the parish
- are new and would like a tour of the parish property
- would like to schedule an appointment with one of the priests
- want to have a Mass said for a relative, friend, or acquaintance, living or deceased
- have a relative, friend, or acquaintance who is ill or in the hospital and would like to be visited
- have any question at all about St. John's Parish
Office hours are 9:00am - 4:00pm, Monday through Friday. The Office is closed Monday-Friday from 12:30 pm-1:00 pm.

Rev. Raymond Schmidt

Rev. Ryan Braam
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Ray celebrates Mass several times each week, hears confessions, provides the sacraments of baptism, marriage, and anointing of the sick to parishioners, provides spiritual direction and pastoral care, visits the sick, hospitalized, and homebound of the parish, makes final decisions regarding the management of St. John's School and Parish, and serves in all other ways as the shepherd and spiritual father of our Catholic community at St. John's. After completing college studies at UVA, Fr. Ray attended seminary at Holy Trinity Seminary in Dallas, TX before being ordained in 1984.
As the parochial vicar of the parish, it is Fr. Braam’s responsibility to assist the pastor in his ministry here at St. John’s. In particular, the pastor has asked Fr. Braam to oversee OCIA and run marriage and baptism preparation at St. John's. An alum of St. Mary’s Ryken High School, Fr. Braam visits also SMR weekly to meet with students and offer Mass. After completing his seminary studies in Washington, DC at St. John Paul II Seminary and Theological College, Fr. Braam was ordained to the priesthood in June 2022.

Deacon Ammon Ripple
Pastoral Assistant
Deacon Ammon serves the parish as a permanent deacon. He assists at Mass, visits parishioners at many local nursing homes, performs baptisms, assists with funerals, and uses his carpentry skills to help maintain and beautify our parish buildings.

Deacon Ken Scheiber
Pastoral Assistant

Matt Uzdavinis
Office Manager

Jonathan Hellerman
Director of Music Ministry
Matt provides executive support to the Pastor, maintaining parish sacramental records, keeping the parish calendar of activities, preparing parish communications including the weekly bulletin and flock notes , assisting parishioners in utilizing parish services, coordinating volunteers for parish activities, and maintaining the parish office. Please contact him to update information or receive a copy of your sacramental record.
Jonathan is the Director of St. John's Music Ministry. He oversees music ministry at our parish and school, including managing the choir and cantor schedules, providing organ music for Sunday Masses and holy days of obligation, directing the 9am Sunday Choir and Youth Choir, providing training and enrichment for musicians at our parish, teaching music classes, and being available to assist as needed at wedding and funeral liturgies.

Janet Phillips
Human Resources/Payroll Administrator

Jackie Cannon
Janet handles all human resources functions including recruitment, onboarding new hires, benefits, payroll and annual open enrollment. She and her husband Bob have two daughters. They relocated to Hollywood in the fall of 2022 from Salisbury, MD to be close to their daughter Leigh, son-in-law Bryan, and grandsons Colton and Parker.
As the Parish secretary, Jackie is the pleasant and helpful voice on the other end of the phone when you call the parish office. In addition, she greets you with a smile at the front desk when you visit the parish office , schedules appointments, handles contribution statements and collection envelope disbursal.

Rich Olon
Director of Religious Education/Youth Minister

Pat Cannon
Facilities Director
Rich runs St. John’s youth ministry, the parish religious education program for grades K-12, and St. John’s Summer Program. The opportunity to work for the Church and to be near family was too appealing to pass up and motivated Rich to make a career change and move from Philadelphia to SOMD in late 2010. Among his favorite saints are St. John Bosco, St. John Paul the Great, St. Faustina, and Venerable Fulton Sheen. If it has to do with youth and their spiritual formation, please contact him. He’d enjoy hearing from you.
Pat works to ensure the safety, cleanliness, and good appearance of our parish and school facilities utilizing his skills and experience in the building and contracting world. Pat is a long-time parishioner of St. John's. He and his wife Jackie have two children and a grandchild.