Devotional & Parish Life Ministries
The following ministries and programs work to enrich the spiritual lives of our parishioners and to build up our parish community through fellowship and social events. If you would like to assist in their work, please call the parish office at (301) 373-2281 or email the appropriate contact person listed below.

Men's Ministry
Coordinators: Dan Seep
TMIY Coordinator: Edwin Fernandes
Please contact the parish office at (301) 373-2281 if you would like to help.
The women of St. John's ministry programs seek to enable busy women to find time to enrich their spiritual lives through bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Every Tuesday, Fiat meets in the Monsignor Harris Center at 7pm for a rosary focused bible study. Additionally, the women's ministry program hosts a Women's Night of Adoration, offering female parishioners a time of prayer, reflection and fellowship.
The St. John's Men's Ministry program provides resources for our male parishioners to become better and stronger disciples of Christ through weekly Men's Group prayer meetings, regular guest speakers, an annual Men's Retreat, and other activities.

Wives, Widows, & Friends Club
Coordinator: Anita Hicks
Please contact the parish office at (301) 373-2281 if you would like to help.
Fr. Michael J. McGivney was so concerned about the plight of widows and children when the family breadwinner passed away, leaving the family destitute, that he founded the Knights of Columbus in order to protect them. In keeping with that original focus, the KoC Council 7914 wives decided to do more for our widows. We offer after-Mass brunches, evening/weekend social events, and charitable activities to help those less fortunate. We are an informal group: no dues, no by-laws, no officers.

Sick & Homebound Ministry
Coordinator: Debbie Johnson
Please contact the parish office at (301) 373-2281 if you would like to help.
We match our homebound parishioners with our team of trained EMHCs. EMHCs also visit St. Mary’s Nursing Center, Solomon’s Nursing Home, and Autumn Assisted Living in Wildewood. Please notify the parish office at (301) 373-2281 when a parishioner would like to receive the sacraments and is homebound, in a nursing home, or in the hospital.
This program encourages its members to have the faith and purity of children, and to think of Mary as their mother. Under the direction of Deacon Ammon and his wife, Eleanor Ripple, we gather groups of people (no more than 10) who are willing to commit themselves to welcome the enshrined image of Our Lady of Schoenstatt for at least a year. The image travels from house to house over the course of each month and is given a place of honor in each home. The family will pray the rosary together daily while the image is in their home.
We are very excited to welcome a new pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima to St. John's Church. We invite you to also say "Yes" and invite her into your home. The statue will be displayed every Sunday during 9am Mass, and there will be a clipboard with a sign-up sheet in the back of the church by the statue of St. Cecilia for everyone who would like to give the statue a place of honor in their home for one week.

In this program, parishioners can donate a tax-deductible floral memorial gift for $30, and the weekly altar floral arrangements will be dedicated in honor of their loved ones, friends, or special events. An acknowledgement of the donor and person/event being remembered will be placed in our weekly bulletin. Orders must be received three weeks prior to the date requested and can be placed by contacting the parish office; payments can be made at the office during normal business hours. Orders will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. If flowering plants are used, then the donors will have the opportunity to take them home after they are no longer required to decorate the church. Donors will be notified via email when they can be removed.