Grounds Maintenance
St. John's Parish sits on a large tract of land and contains many buildings. Landscaping, grass mowing, building repair, snow/ice removal, and trash pickup are amoung the many activities required to keep St. John's beautiful.
The St. John's Grass Mowers keep the lawns and grounds of St. John’s Church, School, and Cemetery neat and trimmed. The Parish provides the equipment and fuel to do the task and the volunteers give their time to keep St. John’s looking good.
The vast Church grounds are divided into eight smaller areas and each member takes responsibility for their section(s). The mowing season lasts from approximately April to November and the mowing frequency ranges from once a week in the spring to every two or three weeks in the summer and fall (or as otherwise directed by the weather). Depending on the area involved, each volunteer will spend from one to four hours to mow that section. While time-consuming, the duty is very flexible and the members set their own mowing schedules based on their available free time.
The Group is open to all parishioners aged 18 years and up. There is a brief Spring Meeting at the beginning of the mowing season to confirm assignment areas and to review equipment operation and procedures. After that, each member acts as the independent caretaker of that section for the season.
Keeping the lawns and cemeteries of St. John’s looking beautiful is a satisfying way of contributing to the parish.
For more information on the Group contact the Rectory at (301) 373-2281 or John Shimski at (301) 373-8961.