First Eucharist and Reconciliation
Congratulations as your child prepares to receive the sacraments of First Eucharist and First Reconciliation. It is typically in the 2nd grade that our children prepare for and receive these sacraments, but it happens that older children also are preparing for reception of these sacraments. Following direction from our Archbishop, our children first receive the Sacrament of Eucharist during the Sunday Masses following Easter. In 2025, the weekends for First Eucharist will be Apr 26/27 and May 3/4. You are welcome to choose any Mass during those two weekends for your child's First Eucharist.
2nd Grade Sacramental Calendar for 2024/25
First Reconciliation Schedule
Jan 30 Thursday evening: Parents (only) meeting 7-8:00 pm
Feb 8 Saturday morning: Family workshop 9:00-11:00am OR
Feb 10 Monday evening: Family workshop 6:00pm-8:00pm
Mar 1 Saturday First Reconciliation 9:00am and 10:30am
First Eucharist (First Holy Communion) Schedule
Apr 3 Thursday evening: Parents (only) meeting 7- 8:00 pm
Apr 10 Thursday evening: Family Workshop 6:00pm-8:00pm OR
Apr 12 Saturday morning: Family Workshop 9:00am-11:00am
Apr 26 Saturday 9-11am Rehearsal & Confessions for Apr 26/27 First Communicants
May 3 Saturday 9-11am Rehearsal & Confessions for May 3/4 First Communicants
Apr 26/27 and May 3/4- Sunday Masses
FIRST EUCHARIST - Families are free to choose any of the four
Masses (5pm, 7am, 9:00am, 11:30am) on either weekend for your
child’s First Communion. You will get the Mass you choose. Feel free to have family
start making travel plans.
All dates are subject to change. Families will be notified, as soon as possible, of any date changes.
Proper attire for First Eucharist:
Ladies should wear a dress of appropriate length (at least knee-length) - white is preferrable. Please dress conservatively: cover your shoulders (no spaghetti straps).
Gentlemen should wear a sport jacket or suit jacket, dress slacks, dress shirt, and tie.
Dress shoes, please: no tennis shoes.