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Congratulations as your child prepares to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.  It is typically in the 8th grade that our children prepare for and receive this sacrament, but it happens that older children also are preparing for the reception of Confirmation.  Confirmation this year will be held on Thursday, May 8, 2025, at 7:00pm, with rehearsal and confessions being held the night before (Wednesday, May 7, 2025) from 6:00-8:00pm.

                    Confirmation Calendar for 2024/25


October 21, 2024 (Mon)  Parent/Candidate Mandatory Meeting in St John’s Church 7:00pm

October 27, 2024 (Sun)  “Presentation of Candidates” at 11:30 Sunday Mass (Mandatory)  

                                            Parents and Sponsors are asked to attend with Candidates, if possible.

December 17, 2024 (Tues) Last date to submit completed forms to Catechist.  Forms include:

                                                   ● Family/Candidate Commitment Pledge

                                                   ● Confirmation Registration Form

                                                   ● Copy of Baptismal Certificate

                                                              (if not baptized at St John’s)

                                                   ● Sponsor Selection Form

                                                   ● Report on Confirmation Saint

                                                   ● Signed Sponsor Certification Form

                                                   ● Letter to Fr. Ray including:

                                                              a) Student asking to be confirmed

                                                              b) Saint’s name chosen

                                                              c) Why he/she wishes to emulate particular Saint

                                                              d) Why he/she wants to be confirmed

                                                   ● Parental Consent and Liability Waiver Form

                                                              for overnight retreat at Loyola



March 19-20, 2025 (W-Th)    Girls’ Confirmation Retreat, Loyola Retreat House

March 20-21, 2025 (Th-F)  Boys’ Confirmation Retreat, Loyola Retreat House

May 7, 2025 (Wed)   Confirmation Confession and Practice - St. John’s Church (6:00-8:00pm)

May 8, 2025 (Thurs)   Confirmation Mass at St John’s Church (7:00pm)



All dates are subject to change.  Families will be notified, as soon as possible, of any date changes.


Proper attire for Confirmation:

Ladies should wear a dress or dressy pantsuit. Please dress conservatively: cover your shoulders

(no spaghetti straps) and wear a skirt or dress of appropriate length (at least knee-length).

Gentlemen should wear a sport jacket or suit jacket, dress slacks, dress shirt, and tie. 

Dress shoes, please: no tennis shoes.


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