Perpetual Adoration Chapel
What if our parish could offer a safe, accessible, beautiful space where our Lord Jesus Christ could be adored and worshiped in the Blessed Sacrament 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
Imagine the blessings that would flow from such a continuous experience of our Lord's presence in our Southern Maryland community...
Imagine the vocations that would spring from such a source...
Imagine the amazing things our Risen Lord could accomplish in a place where such unceasing praise and prayer could be offered to him...
Now ask yourself: Is there any way I could contribute to making this splendid dream a reality?
"Come, let us adore him"
St. Mary's Perpetual Adoration Chapel will be located between the Parish Rectory and the Pastor's Residence, as shown in the site plan below. This space will be well-lit and easily accessible to parking, making it safe and convenient to visit even at night. The exterior doors will require a code for entry during nighttime hours, offering additional security.
The interior of the chapel will be about 1100 square feet, providing space and seating for approximately forty adorers. The exterior is modeled on traditional Southern Maryland church architecture and will harmonize well with the appearance of St. John's church.
The remaining cost to fund this project is $300,000. We hope to raise this amount and begin construction by Spring 2019, but we need the help of generous donors to make it happen. We humbly ask that you prayerfully consider donating to help fund the construction and maintenance of this sacred space.

- By Cash or Check: Checks should be made payable to "St. John's Adoration Chapel." If you received a capital campaign envelope in the mail, please use that to make your donation as this will ensure your donation gets credited to the correct account. Checks payable to "St. John's Adoration Chapel" can also simply be dropped in the offertory basket at Mass.
- By Credit Card: Donations can be made by credit card using the capital campaign envelope, or you can use the Faith Direct website. Simply click here to visit Faith Direct, enter the parish code MD116, and look for the "Adoration Chapel" donation option. Credit card donations may be made in one sum or divided equally over ten months.
Donors will have the option to be recognized in a permanent way in the chapel. The exact location of the memorial is to be determined.